Thursday, October 21, 2010

On Our Way to Half a Million!

364,365 Stake YTD Total (140,885 Indexing -- 223,750 Arbitration)
Great work indexers.  This month we may even break our monthly high record.  Wow!  Our monthly history has been:

Indexers are amazing!
2010 Monthly Totals

18,058             January
18,439           February
30,107               March
25,071                 April
33,535                 May
30,080                June
57,536                 July
 52,151              August
   55,646         September
                                                               44,012         October 20

Our stake has made great progress this year in doing more indexing.
Our stake's 2009 Total:  138,811
(78,858 indexed & 59,953 arbitrated)
 We will index half-a-million with everyone's help.
Keep up the great work!

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