Sunday, November 21, 2010

It's Possible!

 440,688 YTD Stk. (166,873 indexed & 273,815 arbitrated)
54,871 Nov 21 (18,598 indexed & 36,273 arbitrated)


10 days ago 
a suggestion was made
for 40,000 more names this month.

In ten days time
 30,000 names
have been indexed & arbitrated.
We still have nine days left in November.

What a great achievement!

Wishing you the
best Thanksgiving ever! 

Thank You
for your DEDICATION.
In case you missed the comment below:
FamilySearch Indexing said...
"Please share our thanks with all of the indexers in your stake.  30,000 records in 10 days is phenomenal.  Thank you for all the time and effort you give to this work!   It's amazing what we can accomplish when we work together."

1 comment:

  1. Please share our thanks with all of the indexers in your stake. 30,000 records in 10 days in phenomenal. Thank you for all the time and effort you give to this work! It's amazing what we can accomplish when we work together.
